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目的:了解不同性别乒乓球运动员完成并步、跳步、跨步3种常用步法时膝关节的负荷特征,并探析乒乓球运动员膝关节的损伤机制。方法:对乒乓球男、女各10名运动员完成3种常用步法动作时的下肢运动学、动力学数据进行采集和处理,并运用方差分析法比较不同性别、不同技术之间的差异。结果:受试者在完成3种步法过程中,膝关节屈角大致范围在20°~60°。当地面反作用力最大时,女运动员比男运动员表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05),跳步比并步和跨步表现出更小的外展角(P<0.05);在三维受力方面,膝关节受到垂直方向上的力最大,水平向后和向左的力次之,未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异;在三维力矩方面,膝关节受到的伸膝力矩较大,也未表现出显著的性别差异和技术差异。结论:膝关节屈曲状态下,较大的地面反作用力和膝关节外展角易导致乒乓球运动员前交叉韧带损伤,女运动员的损伤风险小于男运动员,跳步的损伤风险小于并步和跨步;水平向后和向左的力易造成乒乓球运动员软骨和半月板损伤;过大的伸膝力矩易导致乒乓球运动员髌腱末端病和髌骨软化。  相似文献   
为研究全渠道零售的配送系统对企业物流成本的影响,综合考虑时间窗、车型选择等因素,以运输成本最低为目标,建立高度协同的全渠道零售场景下的物流配送模型。该模型采用自适应遗传算法求解,利用MATLAB进行算例分析。结果显示:全渠道零售模式下的车辆调度方案能迅速响应消费者需求,与一般配送模式相比可以减少物流成本,优化车辆配置。与粒子群优化算法相比,自适应遗传算法的运行时间更短、优化结果更好,这验证了模型和算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
The lower limb kinetics of curve sprinting in amputees are not well described in the literature, particularly with respect to the effect of the side of amputation. This is an issue due to the importance of the knowledge for prosthetic design and classification of athletes. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of side of amputation on curve sprinting performance in athletes with a unilateral leg amputation. A three-dimensional motion analysis system (Vicon), four force plates (Kistler) and a modified mathematical human model (ALASKA) were used to compare clockwise and counter clockwise curve sprinting lower limb kinematics and kinetics of a Paralympic medalist with a left-sided knee exarticular amputation. Results reveal that vertical ground reaction force application and total vertical impulse were lower when the affected limb was at the inside of the curve. The unaffected limb showed joint mechanics different to those established for non-amputee athletes and might contribute better to propulsion when being the inside limb. Curve sprinting biomechanics and the ability to attain high radial velocities are directly dependent on the side of amputation relative to the curve direction in a unilateral amputee athlete of highest performance level.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate kinematic and spatiotemporal variables of aquatic treadmill walking at three different water depths. A total of 15 healthy individuals completed three two-minute walking trials at three different water depths. The aquatic treadmill walking was conducted at waist-depth, chest-depth and neck-depth, while a customised 3-D underwater motion analysis system captured their walking. Each participant’s self-selected walking speed at the waist level was used as a reference speed, which was applied to the remaining two test conditions. A repeated measures ANOVA showed statistically significant differences among the three walking conditions in stride length, cadence, peak hip extension, hip range of motion (ROM), peak ankle plantar flexion and ankle ROM (All p values < 0.05). The participants walked with increased stride length and decreased cadence during neck level as compared to waist and chest level. They also showed increased ankle ROM and decreased hip ROM as the water depth rose from waist and chest to the neck level. However, our study found no significant difference between waist and chest level water in all variables. Hydrodynamics, such as buoyancy and drag force, in response to changes in water depths, can affect gait patterns during aquatic treadmill walking.  相似文献   
为降低冷链物流成本,研究多温共配模式下生鲜农产品冷链配送问题。采用多温区冷藏车,构建考虑运输成本、货损成本、制冷成本的路径优化模型,利用遗传算法对算例进行求解,借助ArcGIS规划最短路径。算例结果显示,与传统配送模式相比,多温共配模式可减少2辆冷藏车的调度,总成本降低34. 1%,实际运输距离缩短54. 1%。多温共配模式可有效解决生鲜农产品配送小批量、多品种、高成本的问题。  相似文献   
垂直缠绕攀爬的蛇形机器人是基于模块化的P_R(pitch_roll)关节,以串行总线舵机作为关节驱动装置,其控制系统采用协调级和执行级配合的二级结构,以空间三连杆组成的蠕动爬行作为基本步态,实现了蛇形机器人具有垂直缠绕攀爬的功能。  相似文献   
连带责任求偿模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国现行连带责任的求偿模式是任意求偿模式。债权人有权向连带责任人中一人、数人或全体,同时或先后请求履行全部或一部分债务。债权人的请求权没有人数多少、顺序先后、范围大小的限制。这种求偿模式虽有其合理性,但也存在诸多弊端。针对司法实务中适用任意求偿模式存在的问题.对完善我国连带责任的求偿模式进行了探讨.  相似文献   
大中小学联动培养人才是新时代教育教学改革背景下,落实课程内涵式建设,实现能力和素养的循序渐进、螺旋上升式培养的必然要求。通过研究日本大中小学联动培养人才的案例,分析日本不同教育阶段联动培养人才的模式和举措,并结合新时代我国教育发展背景,借鉴日本经验,探索大中小学联动培养人才的思路举措。  相似文献   
研究生导师与辅导员合力育人是适应研究生成长成才需要的内在要求,是优化思想政治教育协同育人的重要途径,也是高校落实立德树人根本任务的现实需要。本文以湖南省高校为例,针对现阶段高校合力育人机制普遍运行不畅,育人成效不显著的实际问题,以研究生导师与辅导员为调研对象收集数据,从两个育人主体视角分析二者合力育人存在的问题以及原因,并在此基础上探索构建合力育人机制的有效途径,提出通过优化布局、完善机制、增进共识、搭建平台等多种渠道,确保两个育人主体的作用发挥出合力的最大功效。  相似文献   
分析汽车产业全球价值链的演化过程,利用全球价值链理论研究中国汽车企业的发展模式.研究结果表明,中国的对外开放和全球价值链的演化过程推动了合资模式的实施与扩散,同时又为自主创新模式的兴起和发展创造了条件.自主创新企业在发展过程中构建了一条价值量较低的低端用户价值链,同时为了控制价值链中的战略环节,采用了多种方式来实现升级.  相似文献   
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